Greetings, Lueur Lauren family!

Sharing to everyone highlights of “”The Black Tie Event”” Corporate Business Gathering held in Chandler Suite, Pagadian City last March 4, 2023. Graced by our very own LLIC VP for Sales & Marketing, Grand Mentor Sajiron Lusanto R. Dayao, GUV Directors, James C. Espiritu & Ptra. Amelia R. Ducay together with our Sr. Coach Maricar Yordan, Coach Jerome Yordan, SBDO Ms. Giolina Melicor, SBDO, Ms. Lorna Jamon.

Our special thanks to LLIC Board of Executives, LLIC STMIC Team, GUV Team and Team Up Worldwide Unstoppable Dreamers.

Cheers and God bless us all!
