Greetings, Lueur Lauren Family! Pushing the boundaries of Filipino Fashion trends and staying true to Beauty & Lifestyle, Lueur Lauren International presents “K-TOP FASHION WEEK Philippines.” We proudly support our very own International K-TOP Models as we are one of sponsors for Casademoda Manila’s “LAVISH Filipino Fashion Designers Gala Season 3” on Tuesday, July 26, 2022, 5PM at the Wack-Wack Country Club, Mandaluyong City. Cheers to our newest team of Lueur Lauren International Korean Ambassadors! Feel Glamorous, Be Glamorous! #LLICBeGlamorous2022 #LLICBuildingDreamsTogether #LLICBeautyisPower #LLICNewFaceofBeauty #WhereBeautyandLifestyleMeet