Greetings, Lueur Lauren family. The love of a mother is power. That power comes from the heart, the warmest and deepest affection that transcends to a nurturing, life-giving support to her child. A mother is not only a mother because she gave birth. It is a long and challenging journey that she needs to endure….forever. In celebration of her special day, the management and staff of LLIC would like to greet a very special person in our lives – Inay, Mama, Nanay, Momshie, Nanang or Mommy… Happy Mother’s Day! We appereciate all your sacrifices, your unconditional love and your life. Cheers and God bless us all! #LueurLauren3rdYearAnniversary #LueurLaurenMissCalendarGirl2023 #3rdYearAnniversarySerenata2023 #WhereBeautyandLifestyleMeet #BeautyIsPower #PremiumKoreanBeautyProducts #ToGodBeAllTheGlory
mothers day